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Iliana Martinez

19 years old


Chula Vista, California


“Helping these students helps me with my major, helps me focus, also just helps different students and kind of apply it to my business major by collaborating with my classmates and my professors and interacting with other people”.


Iliana Martinez is 19 years old. She lives in Chula Vista and goes to the University of San Diego, and she has been a tutor for around 2 years.


Iliana Martinez is currently working from home as a tutor, but also goes to some of her students’ houses and helps them with their classes. During this pandemic Iliana, explains her job, and talks more about the struggle during the pandemic for her and how she has been learning more skills with helping kids and using that to talk to her classmates and her professors. COVID has impacted her work with the students. She says, ”it feels different not going to the schools and tutoring the kids”. it doesn’t feel the same and it's difficult with her schedule and losing some students.


Things that COVID impacted Iliana work moving forward was how she lost students that she had been tutoring for awhile and new students as well. Also how it will impact her in the future if those students don’t come back because she is losing work. It is also going to impact how to work and live because she had been working those students and she wants to communicate better with them and get them back with her. 


Also Iliana attends University of San Diego, these were her thoughts on how it affected her on having school as well with her job. She said “ Since I was having school virtually on Zoom I had to adjust to my work schedule and school schedule to help the students and just adjusting in general. 


Overall her talking about her experience with COVID and work on top of school is different and is something to learn because there are lots of people that are in the same situation.

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