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Robert Acedo

26 years old


San Diego, California

00:00 / 03:38

“Covid-19 has made a lot of changes from my day-to-day work life, mainly because there is a lot of liability. Obviously it goes around with people getting sick and we are essentially caring for everyone in custody.”


Robert Acedo is a 26-year-old sheriff from San Diego. He works at a local prison in Otay Mesa. When attending college he studied psychology which directly impacts his work in the prison as he specifically works with inmates with mental illnesses.


Cleanliness has now become the top priority to keep everyone safe. Robert tells us how Covid-19 has changed so many things as he and his co-workers are watching over the inmates to keep them safe, while the sheriff deputies are also looking out for their own safety as well. Throughout the day cleaning teams are sanitizing whatever is used to keep things clean and safe for everyone. Along with this, masks were something it took time to get used to, as was the case for society at large. 


As time is passing and it seems things are going back to normal, Robert thinks things will take a lot of time to come to what it was before the pandemic. When he says this he is referring to amusement parks and places that attract a lot of people in small spaces. As for his work he mentions how he has been working since the beginning of the pandemic and he was never affected too much other than needing to follow safety regulations. Moving forward his job can only be impacted less, since we are returning to “normal” life slowly he can only see his job using less strict safety precautions.

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