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Aiyanna Reissman

27 years old

Animal Caretaker

San Diego, California

00:00 / 02:45

“It's a big hit for us because we’re not able to have school groups visit us, but we’re really just not able to achieve our mission, which is to connect people to the nature and the wildlife that we have here.”


Aiyana Reissman works at The Living Coast Discovery Center in San Diego in the Animal Care Department. Aiyana works closely with the animals and she makes sure that the animals are cared for and they are not forgotten during these hard times. The animals she cares for are varied, but she loves all animals and will make sure that they all get the right care and love they deserve. 


The Living Coast Discovery Center was closed between March 2020 and April 2021 approximately 415 days. She feels it has been more difficult than ever because they have to learn to keep 6 feet apart from each other. Working during Covid-19 has been a struggle for her as she and her co-workers were learning new things about the virus, such as how to social distance and what her co-workers and she have to do in order to be safe and clear this virus. As she started working more independently, she learned to be more resourceful, which has made her better with the animals and learning how to care for them. Her schedule has changed because of Covid-19, but she learned to work around Covid-19.


Moving forward during this pandemic, she feels she will have to be more cautious and stay safe because now that they are welcoming back the public, they will have to not only take care of their guests, but take care of themselves as the people who keep The Living Coast Discovery Center up and running.

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