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Juan Daniel Tzintzun

37 years old

Helicopter Mechanic

San Diego, California

00:00 / 02:11

“It’s going to be a couple of years before we go back to how things were in 2019 BC (Before Corona).”


Juan Daniel Tzintzun is a 37-year-old Naval helicopter mechanic, stationed in San Diego, CA, who has been in the trade for around 19 years. A few things you can expect him to be doing is maintaining and troubleshooting helicopter engines, transmissions, fuel and oil systems and rotor systems. The start of the pandemic has not led Tzintzun to want to pursue any other jobs since he is enlisted and on contract to work for the military until 2024. Just like everyone else Covid has 100% impacted his daily work life.


 A positive that has come out of having to comply with Covid guidance was that sailors were on the clock 24/7 which led to the increase of squadron productivity. On the other hand while there are people working every shift, the amount of sailors actually that work has gone down. Without as many people allowed onto the base, it’s been challenging work for each squadron to meet their deadlines. The pandemic brought on a new perspective of working from home, which wasn’t something that was done as often prior to the pandemic. Juan believes that it’ll be a few years before we reach the normalcy that was before the pandemic hit. He thinks people will consistently be cautious, continue to wear masks and social distance whenever possible. 

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